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2025 Meet Schedule


May 29 – Dual Meet

June 5 – Dual Meet

June 12 – Dual Meet

June 19 – Dual Meet

June 26 – Dual Meet

Home vs. Away and location information to come!

July 11-13 – County Meet*

*For GCSL qualifying swimmers. Click Here for more details.

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Swim Meet Timeline

4:00pm – Pool closes, set up begins!

4:30-4:55pm – Swimmers and volunteers check-in upon arrival

5:00pm – Host team warms up*

5:25pm – Visiting team warms up*

5:30pm – 

  • Timers, Judges meet at Starter Tent
  • 1st half Concession workers meet in clubhouse

5:45pm – Officials meet with Judges and Head Timer*

5:50pm – Mini Marlins swim

6:00pm – First event starts (they start on time!)

* These times can sometimes be different based on the meet location. Check Team Hub for meet-specific timing updates!

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What to Bring

Not required, but often helpful!


  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Umbrella
  • Money for concessions
  • Printed heat sheet
  • Highlighter (for heat sheets)
  • Pen (for keeping track of your swimmer's times)
  • Sharpie (for writing events on swimmer’s arm)
  • Portable activities (i.e. playing cards, games, etc)
  • Small battery powered fans
  • Cooling neck towels (it gets HOT)
  • Small ice chest with water/drinks, etc
  • Healthy snacks and drinks (NO glass!)


  • Competition suit
  • Goggles
  • Swim cap – optional
  • Extra suit, goggles, swim cap
  • Several towels (one to dry with, one to sit on)
  • Easy slide on/off shoes
  • Plastic bags for wet towels, suits, etc.
  • Dry/Warm Clothes
  • Swim bag (we highly suggest you label everything)


  • Folding chairs
  • Folding wagon (to lug all of the above!)
  • A readiness to get “loud and proud” for the kids

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Arriving to Meet

  • Arrive Early – It much less stressful if you can arrive early!
  • Before You Park – Pull up to the clubhouse circle to unload swimmers, chairs, and heavy gear. (The parking lot fills up & you may need to park on the street.)
  • Parking – Neighborhoods prohibit parking on both sides of the street. Please also be careful not to block any driveways or fire hydrants. 
  • Carpool – Exchange information with parents at Welcome Party or practices! Coordinate a carpool if you'll have trouble getting your swimmer(s) to pool for warm up. Offer a carpool if you are able!

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What to Expect from a Dual Meet


A dual meet is a competition between two teams; we travel to some and host others. Dual meets occur on Thursdays and tend to begin at 6pm (check-in is typically from 4:30 to 5pm, with the Mini Marlins starting at 5:50pm). The swimmers will be expected to arrive on time for check-in. A weekly email and the Team Hub will provide more specific details. Our home meets are at the Edinburgh pool and they can get crowded. Weather during the Meets tend to be HOT, so dress appropriately, bring water, and be prepared.

Swim meets have a specific order of events. There are a total of 82 events at dual swim meets, each event may have multiple heats depending on the number of swimmers registered for that event. There are two types of events, Individual and Relay. Your swimmer can be included in up to (4) events total. Coaches will 'seed' swimmers in events that they think they are strongest and where they think they can best help the team. The term 'heat sheet' will be thrown around. This is the meet event schedule and includes what events the swimmers are swimming for the particular meet. The heat sheet will typically be emailed the night before, posted under the meet on the team hub, and available in the SwimTopia app. When you arrive for check in, your swimmer will check-in with the check-in parent. If they attended practice on Thursday morning we will already have their 'arm graffiti' (the swimmer's event numbers written on them, usually on the forearm.) If they didn't attend morning practice, we will write it on at check-in. This helps the swimmers remember their events and helps the 'Bullpen' (swimmer holding area) parents get them to their events in an orderly fashion.

Once the meet is underway, the 'Starter' (the Meet MC) will progress through the 'heat sheet' in order until finished. While meets can be long and hot, the day can foster a great sense of community and camaraderie among the kids! It is not uncommon for swimmers to cheer on their teammates when they are not swimming or play games, color, listen to music, etc in the bullpen to pass time. They must stay in the bullpen area during the entire meet (unless they leave to get a quick snack, restroom, etc.) so the parent volunteers can get them to their events on time. 

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