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Meet Volunteer Roles

Bullpen:  Announce the swimmers names for their event. You have a bullhorn! Make sure swimmers are getting lined up to swim in their event and headed to the staging area.

Clean Up / Take Down:

  • Home Meets – Responsible for placing the pool back to it pre meet condition putting up tables, chairs, computers, starting blocks etc.
  • Away Meets – Help clean up the bullpen area and get all the Marlin's equipment loaded into the correct cars.

Computers:  Makes sure scoring is accurate at home and away meets, entering times into the computer, printing score sheets and ribbon labels.

Heat Prizes:  Hands ribbons/prizes to the younger swimmers that win the race.

Merge / Clerk of Course: Oversees all swimmers are organized into their correct heat and lane prior to going to the starting blocks.

Relay Stager:  Make sure you have the correct swimmers for their relay! They should be holding a card with the listed swimmers names (make sure younger swimmers know what stroke they are swimming!) Take the swimmers to the correct side of the pool for their heat.

Ribbons:  Place the event label on all swimmer ribbons (Marlins only) and sort them into our ribbon boxes for swimmers to pickup on Fun Friday.

Runner:  Gets the results of each heat from timers and takes to the computer table.

  • Home Meet – Responsible for setting up tables, chairs, computers, starting blocks, etc.
  • Away Meet – Arrive 30 min prior to check in and help set up the bullpen area.

Staging:  Make sure all the swimmers are lined up in their correct heat – event – lane under the tent next to bullpen. Work with bullpen volunteers to find missing swimmers.

Stroke & Turn:  Trained volunteer who ensures swimmers follow the rules for their assigned stroke(s) and turns.

Timer:  Time swimmers in your assigned lane, verify names of swimmers in your lane as they exit the pool, record time on the time sheet provided.

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